
WEEKENDERS: Explore Jakarta After Sunset

The Weekenders Jakarta after Sunset

Though mornings can be a great time for activities, nighttimes are always more serene and  gentle on the eyes. It puts us in a sense of contemplation, as we watch the moon and the stars light up the fast-paced city we know as Jakarta. This weekend, immerse in a night travel in Jakarta that brings us wonder and laughter with this itinerary.


Our first activity comes with the Bus Wisata, a bus by Transjakarta that takes you on a journey around Indonesia’s capital city. As we board the Bus Wisata at 5 p.m., we can see Jakarta’s modern and traditional architectural scenes pass by from the comfort of its seats, inspiring our fascination.


The sightseeing journey doesn’t stop there however, as we then arrive at the Kota Tua area, where colonial Dutch buildings stand tall with elegant architecture and street lights that are equally as captivating.


After our activities, it’s time to delight in some flavorful food that pleases the tongue. This can be found in none other than Mangga Besar. Known as one of the best street food spots, you can freely pick from a wide range of them such as ayam geprek, seafood, satay, and more that appease your appetite.


Now with our energy fulfilled, it’s time to take up the excitement as we join the BIKO Bar Hopping experience. Following a route from Duck Down Bar to Beer Garden+, we can walk together with people who we’ll share the exciting night with some beer, fun, and laughter.


Writer: Suksan Yosela

Images courtesy of @pt_transjakarta, @jktinfo, Alif Zainuri, Salman Mukti, Handa Lie, andry nio, @bkrbrothers


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