Rio Simatupang, better known as Lampurio, began his visual journey during his days in school. Being one of the children who took an interest in art, every empty space he saw was never left alone, taking scribbles and drawings from his hands whether it’s books, chairs, or any other objects.
However, he didn’t immediately finalize in becoming an artist. Rio majored in communications during his university days–specifically in journalism. His choice only brought him closer towards the path of art, as he experimented and studied to master photography and videography.
At the time, he didn’t find interest in painting yet, as he is well known for today. He only found it after opening an art space, where he met various artists from different backgrounds, gaining a wealth of knowledge in the process.
Each artist, he said, was like an encyclopedia. They carry with them different life perspectives and expertise, all of which he learned and absorbed. And it’s what he received from these interactions that manifested into his paintings, developing them into what they are today.
However, his journey is far from being concluded, as he remains open to evolutions which may happen to himself and his art in the future.
Right now, Rio is collaborating with Senyum Museum for the Yogyakarta Art & Culture Tour. With his unique touches in every poster and artworks for the tour, they are sure to be a meaningful sight for the eyes. Click the link in our bio to book the tour!
As shared with Suksan Yosela.
Images courtesy of @lampurio
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